Why do librarians tweet about cake?

I've taken on a challenging/fun writing project for 2016: summing up social media in libraries 2010-2015, for the next edition of British Librarianship and Information Work.  Crumbs! The deadline is autumn 2016, but I've started work already as the piece will need a great deal of planning, research and reflection. Finding information and evidence so … Continue reading Why do librarians tweet about cake?

The Pukka Pad and the Big Cake: #DCDC14 Conference Part 1

Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities, a joint effort by RLUK and The National Archives, is fast becoming a must-attend conference for archives and special collections folk.  The idea?  We face tough times and huge challenges: let's collaborate and find new ways to survive and thrive.  The second in the series was held last week in the … Continue reading The Pukka Pad and the Big Cake: #DCDC14 Conference Part 1

Show, Tell + Play: sharing heritage projects and stuffed animals in Yorkshire

On 24 October I went along to a great event offering "a playful space" for discussing heritage activities in Yorkshire: Heritage Show+Tell.  This uses a very effective format: 3 minutes, 3 slides per speaker.  No long presentations to write, no big commitment of time, a friendly and supportive atmosphere. The projects all had some relevance … Continue reading Show, Tell + Play: sharing heritage projects and stuffed animals in Yorkshire

Five Theses on the Future of Special Collections

"Preservation without use is an empty victory. It ought to be our primary purpose at all times to minimize barriers to use ..." "[It is] crucial to reach out and demystify special collections, to convey the message: 'Please touch. This is here for you. You are special enough for special collections'." So says John Overholt … Continue reading Five Theses on the Future of Special Collections