Go viral on Twitter, with the absolute unit

On 9 April the Museum of English Rural Life tweeted a picture of a big woolly ram.  It was a Twitter sensation, with over 100K likes and 30K retweets to date. look at this absolute unit. pic.twitter.com/LzcQ4x0q38 — The Museum of English Rural Life (@TheMERL) April 9, 2018 It's easy in retrospect to see why … Continue reading Go viral on Twitter, with the absolute unit

What difference will Twitter’s 280 character limit make?

Twitter's unique selling point in the crowded world of social media was its 140 character limit.  This encouraged tweeters to be creative and concise.  However in November 2017 Twitter doubled that limit to 280 characters. Why?  Twitter researchers observed that users struggled to fit thoughts into the 140 limit, spending time editing tweets or abandoning … Continue reading What difference will Twitter’s 280 character limit make?

Why do librarians tweet about cake?

I've taken on a challenging/fun writing project for 2016: summing up social media in libraries 2010-2015, for the next edition of British Librarianship and Information Work.  Crumbs! The deadline is autumn 2016, but I've started work already as the piece will need a great deal of planning, research and reflection. Finding information and evidence so … Continue reading Why do librarians tweet about cake?