Beep! Beep! Why barcode your archive?

Librarians have known for years that giving items individual unique identifiers makes it much easier to manage them.  Accessions stamps have been used for centuries, automatically rolling on to give each item a number of its very own.   Making those identifiers machine-readable took things to a new level. We're talking barcodes!  Barcodes allowed libraries to … Continue reading Beep! Beep! Why barcode your archive?

Modernising Copyright: the White Paper is published

Important and good news for UK special collections services and their users. The UK government has just published the final part of its response to consultations following the Hargreaves review of intellectual property: Modernising copyright: a modern, robust and flexible framework.  While not addressing underlying problems of copyright, the changes outlined allow a wider range … Continue reading Modernising Copyright: the White Paper is published